Love Touch Heal
Relationship System



Do You Know The 3 Ways To Create Relationship Magic?

Imagine KNOWING Exactly What

  •  YOU Truly Want and Need

  •  Your Partner Wants and Needs

  •  To Do To Have Loving Relationship

Dear Relationship Creator,

After you read this short message you will finally realize: You are not alone. It is NOT your fault.
You can stop blaming yourself or others.
Love IS available for you.
YOU CAN have a wonderful relationship – NOW.

       Start Now To Heal All Your Relationships

You CAN Do It !

You will start to feel so much better about yourself and about your previous relationships.
You will realize You Are Now At The Perfect Place and moment in time to finally create loving and lasting relationships in your life.


This Message Is For YOU

The Good News:  You don’t have to keep searching and spending money while feeling discouraged, lonely and needy for a loving relationship.

The Bad News: The answers you are looking for cannot be found in books, seminars, courses or even through extended therapy.

The Good News: The answers can only be found right within yourself. Other people may act as your mirror, helping you to gain access to your own thoughts, feelings, attitudes, emotions and beliefs.


Hi, I’m Dr. Erica Goodstone, a Spiritual Heaing Through Love Mentor and Relationship Healer helping men and women heal their relationships through love.

My path has been a long and uphill struggle to let go of my own past misunderstandings and finally begin to embrace the truth about life, love and relationships. My father taught me “Where there’s a will there’s a way” and my mother insisted “Smart women handle their men.” However, even at those times when I had the “will,” I did not know “how to handle” my relationships – with my man, with my friends or with anyone else.

Through my work with thousands of individuals and couples, with concerns and issues probably very similar to yours, I have discovered the fastest path to letting go and letting love enter your life. The secret is — knowing and facing what is True for YOU about love, about passion, about relationships and about your life’s purpose. Only then can your explore the inner workings of another person’s mind and emotions and capacity for love.

Self Knowledge is Self Empowerment

Unconditionally Love Yourself First….

Then it becomes easy to choose people you can naturally love and accept, appreciate and enjoy for all the ways that they contribute to your life and you are able to contribute to theirs.

The Love Me, Touch Me, Heal Me Relationship System reminds you about who your are, your own unique intelligence,attractiveness, sensual appeal, and creative expression. You reconnect with the love inside for yourself and for others. The books and videos and audios guide you to reflect upon your life as it is now, as it has been in the past, and how it will be in the future – because you are creating your future.

You are about to create a new and unbreakable love map, to guide your love journey for the rest of your life.

Dr. Erica Goodstone “Thank you so much for your wonderful program. Erica’s program takes us on a journey to healing. In a very clear, concise and organized manner we are able to take the plunge and see the endless possibilities life has to offer – if only we are willing to do a little reflection and soul work.”
~ Deborah Angiolina

  • Love Me, Touch Me, Heal MeEbooks Help Guide You to Heal All of Your Relationships Through Love

  • Love Me, Touch Me, Heal Me Videos Feature Dr. Erica teaching you how to heal from your past and create your ideal and most loving relationships now

  • Healing Through Love MP3 Audios Guide You to Accept and Love You, Accept, Appreciate and Love Others, Recognize and Release Your Past, Create Your Future Relationships


In this Ebook Series, through information, relevant stories, and specific exercises, you will examine for yourself the many different aspects of love.
By following the instructions and taking the time to complete the exercises, your will know and understand your love, re-discover your healing potential of touch, recognize your own and others’ healing patterns and reconnect with your sensuality, sexuality and spiritual aliveness.



In this Video Series, we explain what it takes to create lasting love in your life, first reviewing the many influential factors in your early childhood, previous and current relationships.  Then we explain the healing power of touch, especially gentle touch, and the variety of healing body therapies available for you.  Next we explore how healing actually happens.  And then we talk about sensuality, sexuality and spiritual connection.

In Part 1, Love Me … Please, You Learn HOW to Create Lasting Love.

You will have to look deep into your own consciousness – your thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, memories and dreams – to find the love, the fullest love, that you can bring into your life. And you will be reminded, over and over, to bring that love back to your own self so that you can fully share your loving self with others.

In Part 2, Touch Me … Please, You Practice Healing Touch on Yourself and Others

You are introduced to the healing potential of gentle touch, from a  light touch on the shoulder by an acquaintance,  to the warm fuzzy feeling you get when your  favorite pet cuddles us to you, or the wondrously tingly sensations of your  intimate lover’s touch.  And you will be  reminded, over and over, to bring that touch back to your own self so that you  can fully share your healing and loving touch with your own self and with  others.

In Part 3, Heal Me  … Please, You Review and Discover Your Own Healing Process

In healing, you discover your own truth, face your inner spirit, and you begin to know your connection to a higher source.  Through stories of real people’s lives, you will be helped to explore the life  transforming, healing potential of touch and body mind awareness in your own relationships.  You will discover, for yourself, the art of healing  your personal and relationship problems, letting go of old ways of thinking and acting in order to create the life and love you truly desire.

In Part 4, Sexual and Spiritual Reawakening, You Express Your True Self  

When we allow our hearts to feel love and our bodies to feel pleasure, we are sexual.   Being sexual is being alive.  By opening up all of our senses and allowing our own unique sexual expression to be expressed, we cannot help but discover our spiritual nature.  We are all spiritual beings.   Connecting to our spiritual nature and spiritual potential brings us an  accepting appreciation of life.


In this Audio Series you look at all your relationships past and present, getting you ready to create your future.

Heal Self

Heal Your Relationship to Your Self

Do you think the success of your relationships is caused by your choice of partners, the way the other person looks and behaves or how that person treats you? What does Healing Your Relationship to Your Self have to do with Healing through Love – Everything. It is impossible to love anyone else if you do not first love yourself. You can’t accept and truly love others until you have felt and allowed your own emotions, your own hurt, resentment, disappointment, joy and anger, even rage. You can’t forgive another until you are able to forgive yourself.


Heal Relationship to Others

Heal Your Relationship  to Others

Do you know what you want and what will truly make you happy in your relationships? Are you aware of the thoughts and attitudes, sensations and emotions that are stopping or blocking you from being and having what you want? Believing is receiving. Conflicting beliefs and those you don’t even know you have can and will interfere with your ability to create and sustain the love you desire.


Heal Relationship to Past

Heal Your Relationship  to Your Past

Do you know how your past emotional wounds and prior relationships are affecting your current life situations? Who do you need to forgive, who would you like to ask if they would forgive you? And are you ready to forgive your own self for all the ways you fall short of your own expectations?


Heal Relationship to Future

Heal Your Relationship to Your Future

Your future lies right there out in front of you, a blank slate of time, space and energy, ready to be filled with whatever YOU create to fill that time, space and energy junction. What do you want to see, have, do and become in your future? The future is every single moment beyond this moment right now. As soon as the moment is here, it is already moving into your past. Don’t look back. Keep your eyes, your energy, your heart and your soul focused forward.



Dr. Erica Goodstone“Dr. Erica brings a wealth of knowledge and information focusing on the mind, body and spirit that includes activities and questions that really do help you to get the most out of this experience. She can help you to heal your relationship with yourself and move forward to create a wonderful,                                loving relationship.”
                              ~ Kelley Chappell, PhD

To Recap

The Complete Relationship System includes:

– 4 Experiential Healing Through Love Audios

– 4 Powerful Love Me, Touch Me, Heal Me Videos 

– 4 Valuable Love Me, Touch Me, Heal Me Ebooks

This system will help you create a new and unbreakable love map, to guide your love journey for the rest of your life.

Powerful Complimentary Bonus

Your own private Healing Through Love Assessment Consultation!
You Don’t Have to Do It All Alone.

Get This Relationship System NOW




  • How do I overcome my belief that there is nobody out there for me? Read and re-read and re-read again the very first chapter, The Gift of Love, in the first book Love Me … Please. And you will discover, uncover and finally reveal to the world the gift of love that you are. It’s only a matter of time until the right partner finds you.
  • How do I know if my partner still cares when there has been so much anger, rejection, hurt and deception between us? The past is over. Put it to rest and go forward from here. Read Chapter 2, Be Who You Are: The Greatest Gift of All, and let yourself become more and more who you really are. As you do that, you let your partner more freely be his or her self – and then both of you will feel so much more loved.
  • One of us had an affair and the other is still reeling from the pain and shock and disillusionment. How do I bridge the gap and bring us both back to love? That is a perfect question which is answered in Chapter 3, The Delicate Dance of Love. Learn to dance with your partner, literally and metaphorically.
  • You’re afraid your partner is attracted to others and may leave you or you’re afraid that you cannot be satisfied with your current partner. Do not fret and worry and over think the situation. Feel your feelings. Pay attention to what your body is telling you. Read Chapter 1, Your Body Believes You, in the second book, Touch Me … Please.
  • Do you know the real reasons couples split up, the main reason men leave women and the true reason women leave men? It may not be what you currently believe. Read Chapter 2, It’s a Sensational World, in the second book. The answer is right there in the midst of discovering, accessing and revealing your own sensuality.
  • Has your partner left you and you are feeling alone and unloved? Discover the powerful, healing and revealing world of touching and being touched. Read Chapter 3, Touching Matters, in the second book. Don’t have a partner to touch? Don’t get upset and worry. There are many wonderful touch therapy practitioners to help you heal that inner longing to be touched and seen.

There’s Still More! READ ON

  • Does it seem as if your relationship is permanently over and your future looks dim? Relax and read the 1st chapter, Heal Me…Please, in the 3rd book by the same name, Heal Me…Please. You can and will heal and find love again.
  • Do you wish you could start over, change and release what has already happened, and feel wonderful again? You can! Read the 2nd chapter, Let All Your Senses Speak…As You Heal, in the 2nd book.
  • Are you or your partner suffering from some deep seated emotional wounds, trauma, sexual abuse, emotional suppression, or fear of intimacy? The solution is revealed in Chapter 3, Touching Stories, in the 3rd book.
  • Have you discovered some strange habits in your partner’s sexual style or perhaps in your own? It is time for you to read the 1st chapter, Ordinary People, Ordinary Yet Extraordinary Sex, in the 4th book, Sexual and Spiritual Reawakening.
  • Wait a minute, maybe you are one of the thousands who have a pretty solid, loving relationship by yourself or with a partner. But one of you or neither of you has been interested in sexual intimacy for a long time. Now is the time to read Chapter 2, Sexual Reawakening:10 Simple Steps, in the 4th book.
  • You may be ready for a deep and intimate connection, not only with a loving partner but with your own spiritual self and the God of your beliefs. Read the 3rd chapter, Sexual and Spiritual Reawakening…At Last! in the 4th book.


Here’s All You Need to Do

Listen to the audios, watch the videos, read these books, take the time to complete the exercises alone or with a partner, and I guarantee you will have the most loving, romantic and exciting relationship you ever imagined possible, created by you, right in front of your own eyes.

This System WILL Work If YOU Do.

Get This Complete Relationship System Now



  • Take Action Now to create the intimate loving relationship you say you want?
  • Let Me Guide You through the steps and lead you toward creating lasting love?
  • Heal Through Love, reawaken your sexuality, sensuality and spiritual essence?





Dr. Erica

P.S. Now I can almost hear you talking….

“Isn’t This What I’ve Been Waiting For?”


Don’t Miss out!



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Dr. Erica Goodstone

Solo Practitioner
Dr. Erica Goodstone is a Spiritual Relationship Healing Expert and Healing Through Love Mentor helping men and women heal their bodies and their relationships through love. Having presented her comprehensive relationship healing programs throughout the U.S. and Canada over several decades, she has helped literally 1000's of men and women to heal through learning how to love. Dr. Erica believes "Where There is Love There IS a Way". When you love, accept, listen and pay attention to your body, trust your own sense of what you truly desire, and strive to understand, appreciate and really know the other people in your life, anything and everything is possible.

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