Conversation With Neale Donald Walsch

 Who Are You And Who Am I?

What Is Our Purpose In This Life?


 Mega-Best Selling Author, Public Speaker, Neale Donald Walsch


Recently, I was invited by a publicist to engage in this powerful interview with a man I have admired for a very long time. This was an exciting opportunity for me to directly ask him questions about his current 4th book in the Conversations With God series.

A few years earlier I had enrolled in his virtual webinar series to help his attendees engage deeply in Living From Our Souls and having our own private conversations with a higher power.  In that course, I had an opportunity to ask a question and speak directly with this gentle, kind and powerful teacher.

At that point in time I had already spent years learning about the internet, studying about marketing, shifting my perspective, purchasing lots of programs and tools, and barely making ends meet in the process.  So I asked him, matter of factly, what is it that he did and that he would suggest I do in order to bring the clients and the success I was craving.

His answer surprised and delighted me.  He explained how he had started with no money and no clients and he just invited people “FOR FREE”.  He provided counseling, coaching, support, teaching – whatever was needed – FOR FREE!  Not exactly what I had been hearing from all these highly successful coaches online.  Each one, in his or her own way, kept emphasizing “the importance of increasing the size of our list”, ” “the importance of charging fees and making sure we increase the fees to have fewer customers paying more money – so it is easier for us”, and the value of following “a proven system that has worked for the person selling it”.

Neale Donald Walsch, on the other hand, was suggesting to just “give it away,”  “give it all away” and then perhaps ask for donations according to the amount that people felt they could spare.  What he discovered is that some people paid very little and others paid much more than he might have charged.  And his following continued to grow as he listened to his own inner voice and his conversations with God.

YOUR TURN!  Please share your thoughts and insights, current struggles and what you might like help with, and anything else you want to express after watching this special video interview.

Contact Me to understand your man or understand yourself.

In the meantime….


Love Me Touch Me Heal Me Book






Healthy Baby Boomers Network Blog Talk Radio Show









With love and caring,

Dr. Erica



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Dr. Erica Goodstone

Solo Practitioner
Dr. Erica Goodstone is a Spiritual Relationship Healing Expert and Healing Through Love Mentor helping men and women heal their bodies and their relationships through love. Having presented her comprehensive relationship healing programs throughout the U.S. and Canada over several decades, she has helped literally 1000's of men and women to heal through learning how to love. Dr. Erica believes "Where There is Love There IS a Way". When you love, accept, listen and pay attention to your body, trust your own sense of what you truly desire, and strive to understand, appreciate and really know the other people in your life, anything and everything is possible.

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14 thoughts on “Conversation With Neale Donald Walsch

  1. Hello Dr. Erica,

    That is an interesting interview you have shared and I always look forward for some spiritual and psychological articles from bloggers. There are not many out there and this one really is what I usually look for.

    Helping others is always considered an act of kindness and I strong believe in the ‘pay it forward’ rule where you do not expect anything in return by doing a favor.

    I will surely come back for more

    • Hi Praveen,

      It is so important to “pay it forward” as you say. So many of us want it now, before we have given whatever it is we are capable of giving. That is why so many people keep taking more courses in the hopes that they will find the easy way to just receive. It doesn’t work that way. We have to give – time, energy, love, practice, attention to details, reaching out to connect – lots of giving. And then, over time, we are receiving and we don’t even remember how much we had been giving. It all comes back to us in the right time, but we cannot control when or where or how.

      Dr. Erica

  2. I have always believed that giving great value is what will make us successful. I hear other marketers constantly talking about ‘giving away too much’, but I don’t feel you can ever give away too much.

    Enjoy the journey!

    • Mandy,

      Yes, it can feel as if you are giving away too much when your focus is on receiving. But when you keep giving what you have to offer, freely with no strings attached, gradually it comes back to you. But it may not come back from the person you gave it to. It is as if you are giving it up to the universe and allowing the gift energy to boomerang back to you.

      Dr. Erica

  3. Hi Erica,

    Wow…what a wonderful interview. I do remember reading book one of Conversations with God. Now book 4 Wow!

    The information he receives is amazing. He is the forerunner that all of us can have conversations with God. His latest book sounds amazing. When he explains the long and important conversation will be taken place and he allowed himself to have that conversation with God in book form.

    This particular book has something new – the main thrust of the book is a brand new look….more in depth in subject matter. There is so much more….I just have to read this one!

    Thanks so much for the interview.


    • Donna,

      I have been really touched and affected by Neale Donald Walsch. In that course I took with him a few years ago, he spoke with such compassion and tenderness when people told him their painful situations. He was always optimistic about what is possible for all of us.


      Dr. Erica

  4. Thank you Dr. Erica for sharing this information. Neale Donald Walsch is surely a wise man. I have always supported the concept of helping others for free. People tell me to do different all the time but God has always taken care of me and my family so helping others for free I don’t believe has held me back.

    • Hi Lydia,
      That conversation about giving for free was from a few years ago. The video in the blog post is about my video interview of Neale Donald Walsch re: his current book, Book 4 of the Conversations with God series.

      Dr. Erica

  5. Hi Dr. Erica, What an awesome gift for you to share your conversation with us. Kudos to you for following your heart and doing what felt more right to you. It sure seems to be working! 🙂

    • Ruth,
      The conversation in this blog post is a new conversation in which I asked Neale Donald Walsch about his new book in his Conversations with God series.
      His words had really set me straight about what works to build a business. Now he is talking about something even more profound, how we as a species can helpe each other.
      Dr. Erica

  6. It is so important to act on what truly resonates with you and your belief system. We should gather data, opinions and ideas from many sources and then take that knowledge to do what we feel is truly best. This seems to be what you did. Kudos to you.

    • Elise,
      That original conversation I had with Neale Donald Walsch was life changing for me, in terms of my business strategy. But the recent interview talks about something deeper and more universal.
      Dr. Erica

  7. Hi Dr. Erica,

    Although it’s now somewhat standard in some business plans, you were brave to take Neale Donald Walsch’s business advice and start giving your help away when you were being advised so differently. Enjoyed the post and the thoughts and observations shared. Thanks,

    • Hi Ed,

      I discovered we can give our help away in different ways. I started creating virtual summits which showcase all these professionals, mostly therapists, some coaches, some medical professionals, some entrepreneurs. The more I do this, the more connected I feel and the more I am helping others to get themselves out there more. Giving does not happen in a certain way. Each of us can give in whatever way is suitable for our own unique personality, skills and life goals.


      Dr. Erica

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